Online Store
Blue-stripped Bar 1
Online purchases temporary disabled, please check back later or contact us.
We should have new produce for sale later this spring-summer (2025). Please check back later.
Blue-stripped Bar 2


"From our farm to your home..."FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS: Shipping and Delivery

Currently, we do not ship our produce. Instead, we deliver in person to the following cities and nearby areas: Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Legal, Morinville, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Westlock.

Delivery is free if order total is minimum $125 before tax (if tax applies); otherwise, we charge $25 (+GST) per delivery trip. All reasonably adjusted according to distance and total order weight. Estimated delivery is 1-3 business days.

Alternatively, orders can be picked up in person, directly from our farm (front gate) - upon agreement with us (day & time), depending on our availability.

Additional notes regarding deliveries: if you (or designated person) are not available to welcome us and receive the ordered item(s), we will leave them in front of your property or according to your instructions, then email you one or more pictures as proof of delivery. As per our policy, we are not able to enter a customer's property (except in the proximity of main gate / entrance, when visibly open). Please ensure that you do not have guardian dogs in front of property, access blocked or anything else preventing us from completing the delivery or potentially tamper with the items delivered: in that case, we will return and you will either have to pay for another delivery attempt or schedule an in-person pick up from our farm.

Please note that either way, if the order is not picked up within 24 hours (regular pick up, as initially scheduled, or scheduled pick up after a failed delivery attempt), it is considered abandoned and no refund will be issued.

For any particular deliveries or related questions, please contact us by email (email addres at top-right of page) and we'll be happy to get back to you.
August 2024
Great family picture! FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS - Great family picture
May - June 2023
We've installed a 30ft x 99ft greenhouse (Facebook video below). FRIENDLY EAGLE FARMS - Greenhouse
Have a question?
Get in touch with us by email and we'll do our best to respond in a timely manner (email addres at top-right of page).


Physical Address:

58418 Hwy 2
Vimy, Alberta T0G 2J0


Mailing Address:

PO Box 71570 Oxford Park PO
Edmonton, Alberta T6V 0E3


Friendly Eagle Software Inc.
All rights reserved © 2025

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